Sunday, November 30, 2008


thank God for the timely timely reminder of forgiveness. even though before this i was tempted to really just end everything for once and for all - all the pain that it ever caused, all erased. But yes thank God.

what i learnt at service yesterday:
1) forgiveness for another is challenging especially when you can't find it within yourself to forgive. But its precisely God's forgiveness and grace that makes it possible for one to forgive another. not because i can, but because my heart is over-flowing from God's grace :)
2) Forgiveness is exactly that. given, a gift. forgiveness is never deserved. just like how God offers His forgiveness regardless of how much we sin.

amazing grace, how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me,
i once was lost,
but now am found
was bound, but now am free

Saturday, November 29, 2008

hi this is seok and this is my new blog!
lol lame. but i need to post something for the layout to work so.